DRJ Ministries Inc.
"Building Families With A Concentration On The Youth"
Let's Go Fishing workshop
Building or sustaining vibrant student ministries for youth leaders
Service Description
Looking for that extra boost for your student ministries? Pastor Jackson offers proven strategies to help build or sustain your student ministries. Having constructed a youth outreach ministry the EXPERIENCE ministry which have been going strong 10 years later. He wants to share his strategic steps for you to have a vibrant and ongoing ministry.Utilizing Creative Arts to grow and maintain your youth ministry is a plus. It's part of the fishing analogy. Studies have shown that youth who are exposed to the Creative Arts are more likely to go to college, graduate and have higher test scores. I will train your youth directors how to utilize Creative Arts to bring in students and keep them there by utilizing the M.A.D.D. template Music,Art, Drama, Dance. Hold on to your seats because the EXPERIENCE is part of this workshop and they will take you to another level. Being a nationally recorded team they have been awarded "Best Dance Ministry" as well as opening for several recording gospel artist. This ministry has been going strong for almost 10 years! Let's grab this bait and get these young people in the boat!